The RISE Bundles differ by their benchmarks, their risk, and their investment horizon. The different benchmarks across our bundles are CPI+7, CPI+5, and CPI+3. CPI is the consumer price index.
The risk associated with the bundles goes hand in hand with the benchmark. For example, The CPI+7 bundles, our most aggressive bundles with the highest benchmark, will have a much higher risk than the CPI+3 bundles, which are the most conservative bundles in our range and have the lowest benchmark.
The investment horizon also ties in with the benchmark with the CPI+7 bundles having a recommended investment horizon of a minimum of 7 years, the CPI+5 bundles having a recommended investment horizon of a minimum of 5 years, and the CPI+3 bundles having a minimum investment horizon of minimum 3 years.
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